See below for Part 1: 30 Years Down, Hopefully Many More To Come! This will explain why you've been tagged here in case you weren't sure or missed the original post.
Britt The MadHatter: Had a great with you at IndyParaCon and since then you've provided me with an endless amount of laughs c/o Facebook. =] Hopefully we'll actually get to hang out again at another Paranormal Convention! =]
Bryan Wolfe: You are SUCH a keeper, but you already know that! Seriously, you've made such a huge impact on me over the last three months, but you already know that too... Actually there's not much I can probably say at this point that you wouldn't expect me to say. I love you dearly, you absolutely mean the world to me, and I truly don't think anyone else could ever be as good of a (or a better) match for me to spend my life with. I'd say the end of the song by Tim McGraw, My Next Thirty Years pretty much sums up what I think of you.
Carla Cochran: We had some great times back in school and I hate the fact that we haven't really hung out since then. Life is just retarded like that, people always fall out of touch with all of their friends once they get out of school and get on with their lives. We'll have to fix that before my next birthday!
Carla Dalton: Oooh Carla, you are easily the funniest chick I know and I always keep an eye on your Wall for all the demotivational hilariousness. Thanks for always bringing the laughs! I know you've got a hundred other qualities to talk about, but seriously, the jokes are never in short supply with you.
Cassie Hadley: Thanks for being one of the best co-workers I've ever had the pleasure of working with Cassie. You and Matt seriously make it worth working at TechSkills. Regardless of whatever drama might be happening you always find a way to bring a smile to my face. Alright, enough with the sappyness. You're pretty cool for a ginger...
Chad Phillips: I haven't seen ya since the IndyGamers days (not counting a chance encounter at Stompfest) but you kicked some major gaming ass as Archangel and sometimes I really miss the days sitting around shooting the shizz with you all at the LANs and whooping some ass in Unreal Tournament. Here's to the good days of gaming!!
Chris Allen: Gat0r! Dude, you're seriously the best friend a guy could ask for. You showed me why football was so awesome, and as funny as it is now, taught me how the game is played. You were there for me at TechSkills as a fellow student, an Instructor, my co-worker, as my fellow network administrator. I'm glad we're able to continue working together with ITlogic and maintaining our friendship as well. We definitely need to do another Deadmau5 show in the future by the way and I'm still down for the Florida roadtrip. The beach is sounding mighty inviting.
Chris Gibson: It's funny when you think of how we met, but regardless of the crazy circumstances behind it I'm glad we became great friends even though both our relationships with that person didn't last. You've been a great friend for the last few years and I definitely hope to see you soon. We're due for a coffee date man!
Chris Ramseyer: Yo Chris! We've been through some crazy adventures over the years too. From IndyGamers to Stompfest to The Adrenaline Vault and RealWorldLabs. You've really came a long way over the years and I truly hope you continue to find a lot of success in the hardware reviewing industry with TweakTown. I truly wish I had more time to get back into it, you'll definitely never have old computer parts!
Still more to come in Part 3!!
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