I am terribly, terribly sorry for those of you who've had to wait over a week for this news...
I am leaving TechSkills on 10/15 and will be starting a new position with Interactive Intelligence!!!
My official title is going to Technical Training Consultant and I'll be building course materials for and teaching classes based on their products to people seeking direct certification and training from the source. This is going to be a pretty huge leap for me and I'm extremely excited to make the change.
I will however miss a lot of the great people I've had the honor of meeting through TechSkills. Employees and students alike and I definitely hope to be able to stay in touch with everyone that chooses to. It's going to be rough leaving after being around here for three + years as a student and as an Instructor. I'm gonna miss you all but it's going to be a great career change for me.
Congrats Sean! You've worked so hard and you truly deserve it!
Congratulations! Good luck to ya.
I am so happy for you Sean. I will definitely keep in contact with you as I like your wit. ;-)Also, I think of you as a good friend. Congrats man! Alex (don't ask about the name choice lol)
My gawd it's about time! You've busted your backside for so long. You ding'd. lawl
Dude I knew you'd get it. Congratulations!
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